Katsuo Jima / カツオ縞 – 久留米絣
Classic “Bonito” Stripe
Just like the belly of the bonito fish (tuna), this stripe is a classic pattern for Japanese textile. The color gradation creates a unique and nuanced stripe, that suits all kinds of style and coordination.
Color : ネイビー・グレー (Navy, Grey)
Material : 綿100% (Cotton 100%)
Size : S / M / L
Price : ¥13,000 + tax
Color:ネイビー (Navy)
Material:綿100% (Cotton 100%)
Size:S / M / L
Pattern number:KA1
Price:¥13,000 + tax
Color:グレー (Grey)
Material:綿100% (Cotton 100%)
Size:S / M / L
Pattern number:KA2
Price:¥13,000 + tax
Maker’s Information
作り手情報①: 生地の生産
名前- (有)坂田織物 代表者- 坂田和生
住所- 福岡県八女郡広川町長延602
URL- http://www.sakataorimono.com
備考- 創業1948年。シャトル織機24台。機械織り化学染料(一部藍染)の久留米絣の織元。
Maker #1 :Textile manufacturing
Company Name: Sakata Orimono Inc.
Name: Kazuo Sakata
Address: 602 Naganobu, Hirokawa-machi, Yame-gun, Fukuoka, JP
URL- http://www.sakataorimono.com
Notes: Founded in 1948. 24 shuttle looms. Machine woven and chemical dye (some indigo dye) Kurume Kasuri weaver.