泥染め/Mud Dye (原絹織物×うなぎの寝床)
A natural color unique to Amami Islands
Mud dyed in Amami Islands of Kagoshima, a traditional dyeing technique using tannin of umbellata tree and iron of rice field mud. It is dyed several times to get the color gradation, and each piece has a different complexion.You can enjoy the slight changes of color, as you wear and wash (please note that the color will fade).
Material:綿100% (Cotton 100%)
Size : S / M / L
Price : 泥無地 ¥18,000 + tax
藍泥(泥強め)、泥絞り ¥20,000 + tax
Material:綿100% (Cotton 100%)
Size : S / M / L
Price : ¥18,000 + tax
Material:綿100% (Cotton 100%)
Size : S / M / L
Price : ¥20,000 + tax
Material:綿100% (Cotton 100%)
Size : S / M / L
Price : ¥20,000 + tax
Maker’s Information
作り手情報①: 生地の染色
名前- 原絹織物(株) 代表者- 原正仁
住所- 鹿児島県奄美市名瀬鳩浜260
URL- http://www.nizaemon.jp/index.html
備考- 昭和初期創業。奄美大島の伝統工芸品である大島紬の織元。
Maker #1 :Dyeing
Company Name: Harakinu Orimono Co., Ltd.
Name: Masahito Hara
Address: 260 Nazehatobama-cho, Amami, Kagoshima
URL: http://www.nizaemon.jp/index.html
Notes: Founded the 1920s. Traditional Oshima Tsumugi textile weaver.
作り手情報②: 生地の織布
名前- 東播染工株式会社
住所- 兵庫県西脇市高田井町224
URL- http://www.toban.jp/company/
備考- 播州織の産地で先染め織物の一貫生産を特徴とする織元。今回の生地は20番単糸の綾織生地。
Maker #2 :Textile manufacturing
Company Name: Toban Textile Co., Ltd.
Address: 224 Takadai machi, Nishiwaki, Hyogo
URL: http://www.toban.jp/company/
Notes: One-stop all in one production of yarn dye and textile weaving at Banshu, Hyogo.